Prophecy 101

Facilitator:  Pastor Barb Bybel

 Address:  Chestnut Assembly Café

 Day:  Wednesday’s    7:00 p.m.

 Supplies needed:  None needed but may purchase the workbook on Amazon if so desired.

 Contact:  Pastor Barb Bybel @ 856-691-1205 ext 114


Pastor Barb Bybel has been teaching this class for 10+ years.  She has a heart to help people understand what the  prophetic is and how to use it properly.  Pastor Barb has been trained with Dr. Russ Moyer as well.  Come activate this gift that is available and waiting for you. 


Recovering Hearts

Recovering  Hearts women’s group was started  through my personal testimony of finding my identity in Christ and wanting all women to experience the Freedom from  conforming from the ways of the world to the renewing of our minds. Let Jesus through inner healing, recover your heart.



Facilitator:  Paulette Brockenbrough

Location:  Chestnut  Assembly of God Room 6

Day:  Monday’s @ 7:00 pm

Supplies needed:  n/a

Contact:  Paulette (856) 883 9788



I am Paulette Brockenbrough. A mom, daughter, wife and oldest sibling of 5. The title I am most honored to have is Child Of God! I have a true heart for serving the community and wish for every person to know God in a more intimate way. I desire to have women have a safe space to build their identity in Christ.



Wednesday Night

Bible Study

This group is our midweek Bible Study.  Here you will dig deeper and find nuggets you can implement in your daily life as a Christian.   Keep any eye out for what is being studied, you will be blessed.


 Facilitator:  Chris Ramdhanie

 Address:  2554 E Chestnut Avenue, Vineland  ~Second Floor Fellowship Hall

 Day & Time:  Wednesday Nights @ 7 p.m.

 Duration:  Continual

 Supplies needed:  Bible and notebook

 Contact:  Chris (856) 503 5362


Chris Ramdhanie has been a member of Chestnut Assembly for the past 30+ years.  He is on the Elder Board  and is a dynamic and powerful Bible teacher.

Keys to igniting your personal time with God this unparalleled resource will ignite your intimacy with Jesus fuel the fire of your personal prayer life increase your momentum in hearing and obeying God!

Secrets of the Secret Place


Pat Maven has a heart for God. Her passion is to teach with the guidance of Holy Spirit. Her goal is to continue to develop a deeper relationship with God and help other to do that as well. She would love to share that with other God chasers. She has been a member at Chestnut for over 10 years.


Facilitator:  Pat Maven

 Address:  2554 E Chestnut Avenue, Vineland

 Day & Time:  Monday Night at 7 pm Room 3

 Supplies needed:  20$ for workbook

Chestnut Praise Dancing

Nancy Dixon born and raised in Chestnut Assembly of God. Baptized as a baby by Pastor Ralph Snook in 1982 and grew up attending church at Chestnut for years. No stranger to the community. Nancy grew up praise dancing in the church and attended youth group functions as a young teen. She also has volunteered her time for many productions, and church plays including Heavens Gates and Hells Flames and all the Christmas and Easter dramas. She is the owner and operator of Dixons Dance Academy for the past 20 yrs in the City of Vineland. She is excited to begin Praise Dancing again in anticipation of ministering in our productions and Praise dances.

Facilitator: Nancy Dixon

Address: Chestnut Assembly of God 2554 E. Chestnut ave, Vineland outside children wing

Day and Time: Sunday 12:45 pm 3rd and 4th weeks of the month

Supplies: No Cost

contact: Nancy (856) 982 0497


Baptized in the Holy Spirit


Marion Kennedy’s passion for the Holy Spirit and His ways are  evident in his everyday life.  He has been teaching on the Holy Spirit for about 15 years.  His desire is for you to learn and understand the various way we can tap into the spiritual realm.

This class will teach you how to connect with Holy Spirit.  This class will teach you what it means to be baptized in the spirit and why we are baptized. 

Facilitator:  Marion Kennedy

Address:  2554 E Chestnut Avenue, Vineland 

Day & Time:  Thursday 7 pm in the Fellowship Hall

Supplies needed:  Bible and notebook

Contact:  Marion @ 856-982-5493


Next Steps Level II

Next Steps is our class for those of you who have just received Christ as your Savior.  The question that always follows is….what’s next.  Next Steps will give you the foundation of your Christian walk.  This group is a  class that meets once a week to discover the love and teachings of Jesus Christ and will help you apply the Word directly to your life.


Facilitator: Greg Schoenberger

Address:  Chestnut Assembly of God - Room 10

Day & Time:  Wednesdays @ 7:00 pm 

Supplies needed:  Bible and journal

Contact:  Greg (856) 498-0495


Greg Schoenberg has a love for teaching the foundational things of the Word of God.  This is Part II of our three part  Foundational class after membership and Freedom.  Greg currently serves as a Deacon on the Board.


Next Steps Level III

Next Steps is our class for those of you who have just received Christ as your Savior.  The question that always follows is….what’s next.  Next Steps will give you the foundation of your Christian walk.  This group is a  class that meets once a week to discover the love and teachings of Jesus Christ and will help you apply the Word directly to your life.



Elizabeth Centeno has a desire to disciple so that everyone walks together in unity towards the goal that God has set for them. 

Facilitator: Liz Centeno

Address: Chestnut Assembly of God - Room 6

Day & Time:  Wednesdays @ 7:00 pm 

Supplies needed:  Bible and journal

Contact:  Liz (856) 466-2806



Girl’s Ministries

Girls Ministries is a church-based discipleship program that has a legacy of godly women coming alongside girls, guiding them on a path to become mature and godly women. Our goal is simple: To see every girl moving toward a deep relationship with Jesus Christ, and to realize her importance and potential in the kingdom of God.

Nilda Cruz has a heart to pour into the little ones.  She is a graduate of Girls Ministry and understands the necessity for it in times we live in.  She, like us, want to send our children to school equipped with the power of God to stand firm on the Word.  She knows if we don’t teach them the Word, they will teach them the world.  

Facilitator: Nilda Cruz

Address: Chestnut Assembly of God - in Classrooms 2,3 and upstairs Girls room

Day & Time:  Wednesdays @ 7:00 pm 

Supplies needed:  See Nilda

Contact:  Nilda (609) 285-7061






Broken marriages, shattered friendships, racial divisions, war between nations-we live in a fractured world. How can the pieces be put back together?

 Facilitator:  Tony Lugo

 Address:  2554 E Chestnut Avenue, Vineland

 Day & Time:  Sunday’s  9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.  Room #3

 Supplies needed:  N/A

 Contact:  Tony (609) 805-2515



 Tony Lugo  has a  passion for understanding  this subject.  He has been members of Chestnut Assembly for over 10 years and  has a heart to teach  with wisdom and understanding.


Young Adults


This group consists of young adults between the ages of 18 (graduated high school) to 25 years old.  We worship, study the bible and fellowship while cultivating an atmosphere of revival. We will delve into your spiritual gifts and get you plugged into the right ministry where God can use you. As we learn and grow, we will help this generation to be set apart for the Lord and his work. We will keep revival as the focus of every area.


Facilitators:  Frank & Elizaray Guzman

Ages: 18-25

Address:  2554 E Chestnut Avenue

Day & Time:  Friday Night 7pm weekly

Supplies:  Bring your Bible, notepad and pen

Contact:  Elizaray (856) 839-7821




Frank & Elizaray have a passion to build up revivialists.  They desire to see God move in a powerful way in and through the young people in our church.  Experiencing revival themselves, their heart is that all will be revived.  They have led youth and young adults in their previous church in NY for 5 years.  They are excited to lead our young adults into new levels just as our church is doing.


Revive Youth


Come join directors Rich and Lakeycha as they build relationships with our children while teaching them the Bible.  These lessons also include how to have the character of Christ.  Your children will have a great time while learning all about the Word of God.



 Facilitator:  Rich and Lakeycha Cortes

Ages: 12 years old—High School Graduate

 Address:  2554 E Chestnut Avenue, Vineland  ~ Second Floor Youth Room

 Day & Time:  Wednesday Nights @ 7:00 p.m.— Youth Room and/or Sanctuary

 Duration:  Continual

Supplies needed:  Bible and notebook

Contact:  Lakeycha (856) 839-771

Rich and Lakeycha Cortes have a heart for youth.  Their passion is to help children learn to rely on the Bible to face every life situations. They have learned from their own experiences and want to help make others lives easier at a younger age.




My goal is to WIN SOULS FOR THE KINGDOM. As stated  in Matthew 10:8-9 says “Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely you give.”

If you have a passion for God’s people and if you want to see  lost the saved. Get out of the four walls of the church and join our small group.

Remember this, Christ not only calls out of the world but also to send us back on a mission. We are being called for such a time as this. There is no stopping the move of   GOD. ARE YOU READY?



Facilitator:  Danieliz Figueroa

Address:  2554 E Chestnut Avenue, Vineland FOYER

Day & Time:  Every other Friday night at 7 pm starting

Contact:  Danieliz


Danieliz has a heart for evangelism. She believes, like we do, that it is time to get out of these four walls and bring the word of God to the streets. It is exciting to watch people being taken from the darkness into his marvelous light.

Art Class

 This Art Class  will teach you the  fundamentals using various  mediums.  In this class you will combine Art with spiritual twist.  This creates a new perspective  and we learn that the Lord speaks to us in various ways.


Cost:  No Cost for class but love offering will be taken every week to help with  cost of supplies

 Facilitator:  Bob Jones

 Address:  Chestnut Assembly— Room #7

 Day & Time:  Every Friday @ 6:30 pm

 Supplies needed: Supplies provided love offering taken

 Contact:  Bob (856) 213-7360

Bob Jones  is a gifted artist who  brings the Word of God into the creative assignments thereby creating new ways to hear from God.   Bob has painted murals for Daniels Den and is one of the prophetic artists here at Chestnut Assembly.




Carmen is passionate about reaching the lost and seeing people get connected in the body of Christ. She has 6+ years experience with adopt a block and taking hands on ministry to the community.





Facilitator:  Carmen Cruz

 Address:  541 Landis Ave., Vineland Nj

 Day & Time:   Saturday 11am See Carmen for meeting place

 Duration:  Winter Semester

 Supplies needed:  Holy Spirit and Willingness

 Contact:  Carmen Cruz (609) 805 9076


Prayer Rooms

 Facilitator:  Linda Slomin @ Chanelle Brown

 Address:  Chestnut Assembly of God—Room #4

 Day & Time:  Friday Nights 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm

 Supplies needed:  No Supplies needed.

 Contact:  Linda (856) 305-1772 or Chanelle (856) 392 0625

 Linda Slomin has a heart for divine healing.  Linda loves to see people being set free.  She is gifted in this area and is excited to be using her God given gifts to help others.




The prayer rooms At Chestnut are for people who enjoy praying for others who are sick, in need of a miracle, or come for other types of prayer needs. It is not a deliverance ministry. We invite Holy Spirit to use us in the gifts of the Spirit and take our time in ministering to the one in need of prayer. Consecutive prayer rooms are occurring at the same time, and training is mandatory and those interested must have gone through Growth Track and Freedom.


Just Us Girls Care Group

This is a more intimate group of Chestnut Assembly’s women.  They also gather together to uplift and support  each other.  Not only is there fellowship and food but there is teaching, sharing and prayer with your sisters in Christ. 

Linda Slomin has a heart for women who feel left out.  She is Coordinator of Turning Point Ministries and he love to see people set free is evident.  You may come with a burden but you will leave lifted up.


Facilitator:  Linda Slomin

 Address:  434 Val Lane, Millville NJ

 Day & Time:  Second Thursday of each month  7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

 Duration:  Once a month

 Supplies needed:  Access to Zoom

 Contact:  Linda (856) 305-1772


Men’s Group

Men's Ministries is where men can come together and be men.  You know talk about the things they can only talk about with other men.  This group also is a place to grow in the Lord and in the spiritual ways of the Kingdom of God.


Facilitators:  Chris Ramdhanie

Day & Time:  1st & 3rd Mondays @ 7 pm.  Board Room

Duration:   Continual

Contact:  Chris   (856) 503-5362



Chris Ramdhanie has been a member of Chestnut Assembly for the past 30+ years.  He is on the Elder Board  and has been called to lead this group of men to another level in the Lord.


 Welcome to the defenders class. The goal of this class is to create competent defender of the Christian faith in accordance with the commands found in 1 Peter 3:15. We will study the foundational aspects of     Christianity such as who God is, the trinity, Jesus in the old testament, messianic prophecy etc. We will tackle beliefs of other religions as in the command given in 2 Corinthians 10:5.


Ramon Cruz, husband to Stephanie Cruz and father of there 3 children. When church hurt came, I decided at 18 to leave the church behind. I went on a truth quest, diving into other religions to find the truth to no avail. After becoming an atheist and attempting to take my own life, I said “God if you are real prove it to me.” The next day my mother brought me a book about proving God exists and after months of wrestling with that book I gave my heart to the Lord and never looked back.

Facilitator:  Ramon Cruz

 Address:  2554 E Chestnut Avenue, Vineland   Room 4

 Day & Time:  Wednesday Nights @ 7 p.m.

 Duration:  Continual

 Supplies needed:  Bible and notebook

 Contact:  Ramon Cruz (407) 808-2326




The Seasoned Ones



The controversial subject of the authority of the believer in Christ is widely discussed in church today. Andrew Womack, internationally know bible teacher, brings a fresh perspective to this important spiritual truth that may challenge everything you have been taught.




Facilitator:  Pastor Ralph  & Marilyn Snook

Address:  Chestnut Assembly of God - Fellowship Hall

 Day:  Bible Study @ 10:30 a.m. held the 2nd Saturday of each month.

Location:  Fellowship Hall




Pastor Emeritus Ralph Snook & Marilyn Snook are truly loved by all at Chestnut Assembly.  Matter of fact, you cant think of Chestnut Assembly and not associate our dear sweet  Pastor and his wife with Chestnut.   Our faithful Pastor and his wife,  Marilyn, who have served this fellowship for over 42 years - will be leading this small group.  We now will be able to glean from them in this setting.



 True prayer is a part of God’s will for Christians. We are commanded to “pray without ceasing,” and Jesus himself has given us the perfect model of prayer. Learn what the Bible teaches about prayer, as well as how to improve your current prayer life, in this valuable study, How To Pray.

Toshie has a heart to want to see God’s children seek his face in prayer. Her passion is to encourage to show the saints how to pray.


Facilitator:  Toshie Faloye

Where: Classroom #3

Day & Time:  Thursday Nights @ 7 p.m.

Duration:  Fall semester

Supplies needed: How To Pray and is available on Amazon

Contact:  Toshie (215) 432 8417






Melinda and Yvonne are passionate about becoming all God created you to be. There gifting in teaching helps them facilitate classes in a way where books can be understood and applied to your life and become “Women of Purpose”


 Facilitators:  Melinda Maldonado

 Location: Chestnut  Assembly  of God, Mission Cafe

 Day:  Thursday @  6:30 pm  to 8:30  pm

 Supplies needed:  $20.00  includes book

Women’s Bible Study



This group gathers together to dive into the Word of God.  They will be studying to show thyself approved unto God 2 Timothy 2:15.  As the Lord is calling us to Revival, getting into the Word is key.  Come and be filled with the Spirit as the Word is studied.


Maria Collini has a heart for women and the Lord.  She is combining these two and facilitating a Women’s       Bible Study so that the women of Chestnut can grow in the Word of God.  We all know that God is the answer to any issue but if you don’t know what He says in the Word, you will not be able to apply it to your life.       


Facilitator:  Maria Collini

 Day & Time:  Monday’s @ 7 pm  Cafe

 Supplies needed:  Bible & notebook

 Contact:  Maria (856)305-6853



This group is a space for believers who are single and desire to fellowship (gather) with other single believers at various activities which can include bowling, concerts, axe throwing, movies, skating and other activities. We can have fun while loving and serving our savior, Jesus Christ.


 Facilitator:  Tameca Faloye

 Location:  Chestnut  Assembly of God

 Day:  Friday @ 6:30—8:30 pm 1st and 3rd weeks of the month

 Supplies needed:  Bible and willingness

 Contact:  Tameca (267) 971 7787





Tameca is passionate about building up and equipping the single men and women of God during the season of singleness and have a desire to fellowship with other single believers.



Royal Rangers 

Royal Rangers' Mission is to "evangelize, equip, and empower the next generation of Christlike men and lifelong servant leaders." Royal Rangers is an adventure-based, merit-driven, faith-based, church ministry and mentoring program for boys in grades K-12, providing “Christlike character formation and servant leadership development for boys and young men in a highly relational and fun environment".



Manny Rios has a heart to impart to the younger generation.  His love for the Word of God coupled with skills learned through Royal Rangers Boys makes for a great time while learning and applying the Word of God.


 Cost:  National Charter Fee, Weekly Dues

 Age: k-12

Facilitator:  Manny Rios

 Address:  2554 E Chestnut Avenue, Vineland  - Royal Ranger Room

 Day & Time:  Wednesday’s 7 p.m.

 Duration:  Continual—Breaks during summer

 Supplies needed:  Uniform

 Contact:  Manny (609)-513-4550


Dream it. Pin It. Live it

When The Vision Is Clear the Results Will Appear! Clarity about your dreams is the most important step to success. Terri shares her journey of using vision boards to accomplish great things and shows you how you can too. Discover how vision boards work, what to do after you’ve made them, and the hidden key to living your dreams.



 Lillian Baker has a desire to see people grow in the Lord.  Her desire is to help people turn mindsets toward Holy Spirit thereby allowing women to walk in freedom. Lillian functions as a mind strength coach and received her certification from CAPP Institute, Atlanta Georgia.

Facilitator:  Lillian Baker

 Day & Time:  Wednesday 6:30 pm Loft

 Location:  Chestnut Assembly of God

 Supplies needed:  Cost 10$

 Contact: Lillian (856) 305-7061



Are you interested in riding motorcycles? This group will satisfy your interest. Long weekend rides or short ones to the shore and add a devotional what more could you ask for?

Willie Rosado has a love for motorcycles and the Lord. Willie has been a member of Chestnut for 14 years. His love for the Lord surpasses everything. Come experience the Lord with the wind in your hair and enjoy the ride...Spiritual Too!

Facilitator:  Willie rosado

 Day & Time: Contact Willie day and time TBD

 Location:  Chestnut Assembly of God

 Supplies needed:  Your own motorcycle if riding, but not a requirement to join group

 Contact: Willie (856) 300 9991



 The Food Pantry is the ministry where you serve your community with just that.  We start the process at 9 am and we begin serving the community at noon.  If you want to see a smile on the faces of people in need...come help us at the Food Bank.

Food Pantry

Facilitator:   Cheron Rosado

 Address:  2554 E Chestnut Avenue, Vineland

 Day & Time:  3rd Thursday of every month - (12p to 4p)

 Duration:  Once a month

Supplies needed:  No supplies needed.

Contact:  Cheron (856) 691-1205 ext 111

 Cheron has a heart to feed those in need whether it be physical food or spiritual food. Come on out 3rd   Thursday of every month and see her in action.


Fresh Hope

Fresh Hope for Mental Health is an international network of Christian peer to peer mental health support groups whose mission is to empower those with mental health challenges, along with their loved ones, to live full and rich lives in spite of having a mental health diagnosis. To learn more about Fresh Hope, visit


Audra Corson has lived with mental health challenges her entire life.  She  has overcome her  diagnosis and lives a happy healthy life and wants to help you do the same.

Hello my Name is Celestine but everyone knows me as Tina. I am a retired nurse of 34 yrs and my passion was of course helping people. I always worked with geriatric psych patients and dementia  patients. Sometimes you don’t need to say a word just listen. The Lord is has given me such a peace about my own   

Issues and I`m a big advocate to take the stigma away from us who have suffered a mental illness diagnosis, and battle every day to stay well. Tina has attended Chestnut since 2015.




Facilitators:  Audra Corson and Celestine Dyson (Tina)

 Location:  Chestnut Assembly of God

 Day & Time:  Thursdays @ 7 p.m. in Room #6—This group is continual

 Contact:  Audra Corson (609) 501-8526 or

Tina (609) 560-0138



Bíblico en



Miércoles 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.


¡Dios le continúe bendiciendo! Le hacemos una cordial invitación a usted, su familia, amigos, etc. a que se una a nosotros para escudriñar

la Palabra de Dios – la Biblia.

 1 Pedro 3:14-15 (versión Reina Valera Contemporánea) nos dice “ 14  ¡Dichosos ustedes, si sufren por causa de la justicia! Así que no les tengan miedo, ni se asusten.  15  Al contrario, honren en su corazón a Cristo, como Señor, y manténganse siempre listos para defenderse, con mansedumbre y respeto, ante aquellos que les pidan explicarles la esperanza que hay en ustedes.”

Es nuestro deseo no tan solamente que usted adquiera mayor conocimiento acerca de la Palabra de Dios, sino que Dios le ministre a través del Espíritu Santo y le ayude a aplicar lo que hemos de aprender a su vida personal y luego que lo capacite para poder hacer discípulos de otros que también necesitan a Jesucristo como su único y exclusivo Salvador.

Para más información, comuníquese con nosotros llamando al

(856) 691-1205 extensión 110

o a través de nuestro correo electrónico

¡Le esperamos!